I have written a persuasive essay regarding the topic of criminal responsibility. If it must be raised or not. Here it is:

Australia Should Raise the Age of Criminal Responsibility

“Please! I’m innocent! I didn’t do anything!” cried the kid, struggling with the firm hands of the policemen.

“Ah, shut up, ya disgusting criminal.” The officers gripped the accused boy even tighter as they dragged him into the police car.

“No, actually, I didn’t steal it! It’s a lie! Trust me! Please! I don’t deserve this! I’m still a kid!!!!”

“More like a filthy 11-year-old thief who is currently lying to the authorities after attempting to sneakily rob a freakin’ bank!”

Currently from 10 years of age, children are responsible for their own crime. But can you really imagine an innocent, primary school student robbing a bank or even having the ability to perform theft in Seven-Eleven®? Children, especially ones that are from Indigenous backgrounds, should not be treated biased against police for being accused of committing crimes, as they are no different to any other person, consequently should not be treated differently. These innocent kids are still learning in school, thereby the age of criminal responsibility should unequivocally be raised due to the naive mind of every youth. According to a study conducted by The University of Monash, more than 50% of Australian children have the fear of being sent to prison after being introduced to its severe consequences and punishments. As well as that, 2.54% of this group of children have actually suffered from this unrealistic and irresponsible law. These innocent children do not fully understand the whole idea of criminal responsibility, have not gained or known of any experience, are still learning about the world around them, and may be influenced by others to make certain choices.

To begin with, children do not entirely know what it means to be responsible for their crime. They are still learning and do not understand every aspect of this concept. This is undoubtedly an inappropriate measure to be taken into account. Besides, students are naive by nature, and are yet to become mature in the future. Thus, it is inappropriate for children to be under risk of being sent to prison if they don’t even understand completely.

Likewise, these innocent minded children have not been through or known of this experience. Unlike adults, they do not know why and how people are arrested, or even for what purpose or good it does to the society. Wouldn’t that just be stupid? If someone went to prison even if they didn’t know what they did wrong? And if they really were that dumb, what harm would they even intend to do to the community? Likewise, if you were that person and had just been pardoned, you would never actually have any sense of the mistake that you made, or what you could’ve done better next time. Therefore, students don’t have any experience of this, and shouldn’t be accused of committing any crimes whatsoever.

Additionally, all students still don’t have enough information or experience of the world around them. Like the egg of a chicken, children are not ready to venture off until they have been fully developed and are completely mature. Most of the time, this is the case for children in prison. A study conducted by Cambridge University shows that even though many teenagers are soon to become adults, 72% of them have not entirely been educated or prepared for the world around them. Thereby, no person is ready to explore their future until they even know what is outside what they’re used to.

Finally, children are easily influenced and deceived by other adults. These actions that grown-ups do can severely impact students to make certain decisions and choices. This acts just like a bait. Imagine if you’re a fish, it sees another greedily and expertly pull a worm off a shin, metallic hook. This time, instead of getting away with it, you get pulled out of the water and into a bucket with other filthy fish. 2 hours later, you’re dinner. Would that really be ideal? Shouldn’t the government have done something to change this? To make their laws even stricter, rather than idly letting these trouble-makers slide by? Hence, a student’s environment can severely affect their decisions and future.

Ultimately, Australia should certainly raise the age of criminal responsibility. Children do not understand the whole concept of this, do not have any experience, still are learning about the surrounding environment, and are easily deceived by older people. This new law must be taken into account, and the quicker we put this into action, the more innocent people we prevent from being arrested. So, what are you waiting for? Let’s make Melbourne, Victoria, Australia safer for everyone! And you can play your part! Starting now!

Peace ✌

By admin

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