The EU (European Parliament) has made the world’s first ever comprehensive AI law, and all forms of artificial intelligence will be regulated by the AI Act. The EU intend for this to ensure better conditions for the development of this technology, and to be used for its many benefits as well as the safety of humanity.

The European Parliament’s priority is to make sure that the AI systems that are used are non-discriminatory and environmentally friendly to everyone. This act comes with laws against risks and issues concerning the safety of online users with AI. This is including all forms of AI, including…


(Read the post “ChatGPT: How did it get here?” for a full closure of this new AI chatting application on my website:

Over the past years, ChatGPT has become one of the most successful AI chatting application, used by people worldwide. It has learnt to interact with us humans and has the capability of understanding nuance, and even humour. And by the second, it’s becoming more and more human, except its intellect only gets higher.

If you want to read more on the legislation made by the European Parliament, then here is their website:


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