There has been an everlasting, intriguing feud deciding whether space exploration is a waste of money or not. Some believe that it is completely useless and hasn’t benefited the world in any way apart from risking astronauts’ lives. Others think that it has contributed to the research conducted by astronomers and has significantly saved Earth from many situations of destruction and disaster. This essay thoroughly discusses both sides’ advantages and disadvantages regarding their impact to our world.

A common reason stated by numerous is that knowing about space doesn’t help everyone. Most of the time, the only purpose for sending astronauts to space is to dedicate more research to astronomy. But think about it; not everyone is an astronomer, and not everyone is into space. Imagine spending billions of dollars every year just for scientists to know that Jupiter is the biggest planet in our Solar System. Would it really be worth it? Therefore, space exploration doesn’t really benefit everyone, since not everyone devotes their life to space.

On the other hand, space exploration has saved our Earth from many life-or-death situations and given many people a living to explore space. Without studying space, Earth could have been severely battered with asteroids and comets and humans would be wiped from existence. As well as that, many famous astronauts wouldn’t be famous or have a living if they weren’t able to have this career. Take Neil Armstrong, for example; no one knew him until he was the first person to step foot on the Moon. If no one had asked him to help contribute with NASA, who knows what he would have done to benefit the world?

Another argument agreeing with the fact that space exploration is a waste of money is that many accidents have happened in space. If you count how many rockets or spacecrafts that have exploded or crashed into asteroid belts or flying pieces of debris, you will end up thinking that space is full of junk. Oh, and this also refutes the myth that space is just pitch black; obviously there is rubbish everywhere! And all that costs more to fix than cause! All we do to cause it is to accidentally (more like lazily) leave our rubbish out in space rather than taking it back down to Earth. In order to fix it, we would have to spend decades to clean it up like we were space janitors. Thus, space exploration has not only put astronauts’ lives in danger but has also polluted the area around our Earth with our own rubbish due to our accidental slips and mistakes that we have made in the past.

However, space exploration has also increased our functionality to be successful over technological challenges. Without this experience, we wouldn’t have had the motivation and the persistence to continue and explore beyond the expected. For instance, chess; and yes, this may seem irrelevant, but follow me. If we didn’t have the urge to continue and develop technology, Bobby Fischer would have never been challenged, or rescued from jail by Boris Spassky, or become the World No. 1. And, we wouldn’t have the technology to invent chess engines and code computers to play against Grand Masters. Hence, this proves how space exploration hasn’t only improved our knowledge of space, but also our attitude towards other problems and dilemmas.

The concept of deciding whether we should cease space exploration is surely a convoluted one. After precise consideration of both sides, it is my opinion that space exploration is not a waste of money. However, no one can predict the future, or know how others will think. We will have to wait and see if NASA hesitates to conserve money for other purposes or continues to study our galaxy’s fate.

Peace ✌️

By admin

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