
The bell signalling the beginning of the first day of school rings its irritatingly shrill tinkle as students begin to file into the classrooms. You casually saunter into the classroom, and briskly take your place at a nearby desk. Plonking yourself down onto the seat, you observe the classroom and notice that all of your classmates are all the same gender as you. You frown, wondering whether it would be better to acknowledge the fact, or to ponder if it would be better to have more of a variety of people instead. You try to imagine being in an environment which consists of both boys and girls, yet you don’t understand simply any reason why. Why do we have single-sex schools, and are they really better than co-educational schools?


Education is amongst one of the most important periods of one’s life, and proves to be one of the most important attributes too, and some are questioning about its effectiveness over the years. Two main concepts have been formed, and with other outlying methods aside, single-sex schools and co-educational schools have dominated as to be the most popular. Many single-sex schools, like Melbourne High School, Avila College, and Scotch College are some of the most well known and popular schools, whereas other schools like Haileybury College, Wesley College, and Caulfield Grammar School are equally reputable and prestigious. This paradoxical enigma has been of great concern, but which type really defines better education?

1st Argument — FOR

To begin with, students feel more confident in an environment of all boys or all girls and are comfortable without being pressured by an opposing gender. Since many are sensitive about other people’s opinions of them, due to the fact of being overseen by someone whom might be of an opposing gender, this can increase anxiety levels which can cause lasting effects and impressions of people. If they were to care about whether people like them or not, they force themselves to become of an unfamiliar version of themselves, thus putting them out of their comfort zone and distracting them from their zone of learning. This means that even though they get what they intend, they will most likely be unaware of whom they really are, and they would put their own actions before their own learning. They should be confident with communicating and speaking up for themselves, rather than trying to hide away. Wouldn’t it be ironic to not be capable of speaking out just because you want to be particularly cautious? To be in a more comfortable environment would definitely benefit many students hugely. Therefore, single-sex schools provide an opportunity to learn in an environment which enables students to communicate and collaborate with others uninterrupted.

2nd Argument — FOR

Moreover, by learning in a comfortable, students are more likely to work easier and feel more open. Students feel better in an environment of all their gender, and it would result in working and studying intently without any distractions or worries. Studies conducted by universities have proved to show that girls in single-sex schools are more active in studies like STEM, mathematics, and other academically selective subjects. This is also because boys and girls have completely different preferences and opinions of learning, and by putting them together can sometimes be like forming dogs and cats into a cage. Wouldn’t that simply be drastic? Not only does it cause issues with the two genders, as they are both trying to have their own say of what to do, but they are not able to work peacefully and contently with anyone anymore. Hence, it should be a child’s dream and duty to ensure that they can learn in an environment, able to work easily and with a sense of belonging.

1st Argument — AGAINST

On the other hand, co-educational schools provide a place in which all students can socialise with many more people. They will learn to work with everyone and get to know and understand them through experience. Unlike single-sex schools, cohesive gender schools encourage students to be able to acknowledge and respect everyone; differences aside. This can have a vast impact on the impending issue of sexism in the world, as if you begin to socialise and bond with others of an opposing gender, you will not become biased towards one or another. Can you imagine how simple it would be to resolve such a huge issue like discrimination, just by ensuring students to respect each other? It is not a difficult change, neither is it one that would cost of great expense to become successful. Thus, cohesive gender schools allow students to socialise with an extensive population, and can simply reduce or prevent sexism and other forms of bias.

2nd Argument — AGAINST

Likewise, learning in a co-educational school can help to potentially work easier in the future. During certain periods like post-college and employment, it is essential to be able to communicate and work with both males and females properly. It is a vital skill to even be able to get a stable job or career. By learning so earlier on, it can efficiently assist in the way to beneficially be able to work and collaborate effectively within a group. How simple is it to be able to successfully find a reasonable job just by going to a certain school? Simple enough, it has been proven to be one of the most effective and easiest ways to work with people in the future; to learn to be not only amiable to yourself, but to be able to prove your benevolence with others too. Accordingly, co-educational schools can definitely help with one’s future, as well as their career.

Conclusion/Summary & Point of View/Perspective

Ultimately, the dilemma of whether single-sex schools or co-educational schools are superior for education is certainly a major complexity. After meticulous consideration, I have come to the conclusion that it is better to study in co-educational schools rather than single-sex ones. However, it certainly does not mean that we must close down every single-sex school in the world. Yet it may seem inconsequential, this paradox must remain in contemplation, or must there be a compromise, of which to define true education for all.

Peace! ✌️

By admin